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SEASONAL RETREAT SERIES: Revive, Rejuvenate, Reflect & Return

A FOUR PART SEASONAL RETREAT SERIES! SAVE $30 when you purchase all four!


REVIVE (Spring): Awaken to your nature connection! Set your intentions and plant seeds to welcome new beginnings. March 30th, 1-4pm


REJUVENATE (Summer): Energize your inner child and honor your light through a playful connection between you and the natural world around you. June 22nd, 1-4pm


REFLECT (Autumn): Experience the Equinox with a fire ceremony to release that which no longer serves you and make space for something new during a celebratory dinner and moonlit hike under the stars. September 21st, 5:30-9pm


RETURN (Winter): Rest in stillness and connect to a better understanding of nature and its messages. New ways to experience peace and balance during the winter months. December 7th, 1-4pm



SEASONAL RETREAT SERIES: Revive, Rejuvenate, Reflect & Return

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